The Red Sox are off to a slow start – in fact, their worst start since 1996 at 3-6 – but there is little reason to push the panic button just yet barely two weeks into the season. Old-timer Tim Wakefield gave us reason to believe this afternoon against Oakland with a complete-game victory against the Athletics in which he went seven-plus innings before yielding a hit. This was coming less than a day after the Sox not only lost in 12 innings but also lost Daisuke Matsuzaka due to “arm fatigue” after just one inning of work in his start. So the Sox get an off-day tomorrow (Thursday) before starting a nine-game home stand Friday, where we hope to see them pull back to .500 before going back on the road.
Baseball also begins soon for Jakob, who we signed up for T-ball. He collects his uniform this weekend and practices start in May. Jeff has signed up as an assistant coach and, having dealt with his softball team for the past three seasons, should be ready to handle five and six year olds (or so we hope!).
In other news, the baby’s due date is exactly nine weeks from tomorrow (18 June)! Tiffany is more than ready to have the baby now but realizes that waiting another couple months will be worth it. We visited our friend Alex the other week who just had her first this past winter and the kids seemed taken by her, so we hope that will translate to having one around all the time very soon.
Happy Tax Day?