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The Walls Are Closing In…

Drill with hard hatIt was definitely a successful day hanging sheet rock in the basement; Jim and Jeff got two walls completely covered with sheet rock and no one lost any blood doing it. There’s still lots to do but it is amazing how much more “completed” it looks. Jim also proved to be a great help and he is welcome back anytime (all the pizza he can eat)! Pictures will follow someday soon – gee, where have we heard that promise before now?

Meanwhile, Tiffany got to go with Lea and Jakob to the mall to walk around and pick up a few sale items. Both kids did really well with Lea giving every passing stranger a big smile. Jakob’s favorite part, per usual, was getting chicken nuggets from Burger King. That’s his schtick these days, running around the house and yelling: “Shicken nuggets… and a COKE!”

Chattering TeethOh, and on a belated note, two more teeth have popped through for Lea (the two bottom front ones). That gives her, at four months, a grand total of three. It appears like she will be just like Jakob and have all of her baby teeth before’s even a year old! Of course, getting two at once was not a pleasant feeling and there were a few sleepless nights, but… ç’est la vie!

2 replies on “The Walls Are Closing In…”

Hey, that’s impressive that you can get a French “c” on your website. Unfortunately it is “ca” which is spelled with that type of c. Bet you didn’t know a Francophile was helping put up les murs.

Actually, Jeff does recall that you were partial to visiting France someday. See, that’s what five years of French classes did for him – he can’t even remember where the little marks go. C’est la vié…

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